Tuesday, 14 August 2007


Originally posted on facebook on 4th August:

Since last we spoke I have shot like a bullet by aeroplane from Toyko to Sapporo. By plane that takes an hour and a half, by train estimates vary from over ten hours to "the rest of the year". I have also spoken to someone who caught a ferry to south Japan, but then got stuck and had to get the train back, which took days...

This week Japan is awesome because:

I watched a TV programme in which two men attempted to roll a garden hose back onto its reel faster than a dog could play "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" on a giant piano.

When I got my Japanese mobile they also gave me a free gift of three cans of Sapporo beer and a litre of iced coffee.

I ate a burger at a tiny, tiny restaurant which felt like someone`s living room, the burger was described as a "House Special Deluxxx Killer Burger" and it was so big it pretty much did just that. It also came with an Ohio potato harvest worth of fries.

I ate Hiroshima-fu Kimuchi Okonomiyaki (okonomiyaki being one of the Japanese foods you just can`t get in the west, and which I loved last time I was here).

That`s it for now. I`m going home to bed. As always, more soon. More sense too.

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