Saturday was opening day, and around lunchtime we walked past and yes, there was a queue and ticketing system to get in:

But when we came back later on it had quietened down a bit so we could swan in, poke around, marvel at the brushed steel and ludicrous amounts of neon and... maybe I bought some clothes too. Ahem.
There was no need to take any snaps inside, Nigo already did it for me on his blog:

All the neons look good, but when you're standing right in front of that wall of flashing Bape logos it sure gives off a lot of heat. And I can't even imagine the utility bills for something like that, but I'm sure it's all costed out for maximum cool for yer buck. Anyway they have more stuff in there now, and a slightly strange "ticket window" thing to buy your good through. It's ridiculously cool, as demonstrated here by Verbal:

Verbal is a Japanese rapper, and my favourite member of the Bape-sponsored hip-hop group Teriyaki Boyz. He's a good rapper and some sort of half deranged street-wear fashion GOD. He was in town for the weekend to play the Bape store opening party the previous night (along with Nigo and Wise, I probably should have gone), to play the opening party for the Height store in Parco on Saturday night, and to appear at the Height store too:

I really wouldn't be surprised to see Verbal dressed like that walking down the street, he's almost unimpeachably cool.
These guys think Verbal is a sellout.