Thursday 23 October 2008

The Fucking Banana Diet

I just realised, in the stupor I've been flailing away in recently I never vented about The Banana Diet.


Basically it's the latest fad diet that struck Japan in mid-September and resulted in a mass banana shortage that's only just starting to lift. The idea is: eat two bananas with a glass of water for breakfast and eat sensibly for the rest of the day and you can burn off weight without feeling tired or crappy. It's pretty easy and seems to be pretty much common sense but because it was on TV everyone went completely... banan... no I can't say it.

Suddenly, NO bananas. In any shop. And because I only heard about it a few days in I had no idea what was going on at first. Had the shipping roots been disrupted? Were bananas suddenly out of season (Japanese supermarkets are much better at only carrying seasonal fruit and veg than British ones)? And when I found out I started yelling in the middle of a restaurant, because, y'see, I was already on The Banana Diet! Except I didn't call it The Banana Diet, I just called it eating fucking bananas for breakfast. Seriously, this lack of banana-goodness for weeks probably had a hand in the viscious cold I'm just getting over.

You tube has a bunch of videos, mostly from people on the banana diet, or from companies trying to cash in on the diet and bring it to a western audience. This one is insanely annoying but covers the whole thing pretty well:

This one is pretty funny, because it's been edited by a chimp. It claims the diet has worked for "hundreds of people in Japan" which in a country of 127 million is virtually meaningless. Then it turns into some banana-fetish-screensaver. These guys are not going to win the Banana Diet wars that's for sure.

Now, my world is returning to sanity. I can usually buy bananas and eat them for breakfast, so I'm happy. But every now and then I raise my fist and shake it at the heavens. "Curse you, Banana Diet. Curse you..."

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